All the tasks you have access to can be found in the Todo App Home.
Open Slack. If you can’t find Todo in the sidebar, under “Apps”, click “+ Add apps”
There, in the Apps page, you should be able to find Todo
If it’s not immediately visible, you can use search. Click on “Todo”
Todo will appear in the sidebar and the App Home with your tasks will be opened
This is the main view of the tasks assigned to you. Tasks are ordered by a due date (oldest first) and grouped into three groups: Overdue, Today, and Next.
List of completed tasks where you were an assignee, or ones you completed and someone else was an assignee.
List of archived tasks where you were an assignee.
List of tasks created by you, where someone else is an assignee.
List of active tasks you are a watcher of.
List of completed, or archived, tasks, you were a watcher of.