Recurring tasks will help you set up your process just the way you want to once, and be reminded at exactly the right times in the future.
Let’s say we want to make sure our plants in the office are watered every week. Let’s “Edit” the task
Click “🔂 Repeat”
You will see the new dropdown input appear in the task form modal
These are the repeat options you can select to repeat the task
Every weekday - Monday through Friday, tasks completed on Friday will be then moved to next Monday,
Every day - including weekends,
Every week - at the same week day as the 📅 Due date,
Every 2 weeks,
Every month - at the same month day as the 📅 Due date.
In our scenario we want to stay with “Every week”. Choose this option and click “Submit”
You can see the repeat rule mentioned on the task
“✅ Complete” the task
You can see the task’s Due date has updated for +7 days
Task watchers have received a notification
Task completion was also recorded as an activity
All the completed subtasks will become incomplete again, on recurring task’s completion. Thanks to this you can split your process into smaller parts and reliably follow it again in the future.
Let’s start with a recurring task with 3 completed subtasks
“Complete” it
All the subtasks are to be completed again
If you no longer need the task to be repeated after completion, you can either remove the repeat rule and complete it as you would a regular task, or just archive it.
“✏️ Edit” a task
Click on the repeat option in the dropdown, “Every week on Sunday” in this case